It makes me so sick looking at how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been so degraded to the point where "Christ is a Happy Pill that you can take to improve your life." It makes me sick! It makes me want to puke!
Both Joel Osteen and the Emerging Church claim we need a Gospel for the modern day that is acceptable to the younger generation and acceptable to those of other denominations and acceptable to those of other Religions. Rick Warren claims we need to give people the "Happy Pill" and treat Sin passively because it is too offensive.
I ask you this, Joel Osteen, members of the Emerging Church, and Rick Warren: What right do you have to take the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and manipulate it and mangle it to your own design, desire, and will? What gives you the right to tell Christ that His Gospel is no longer acceptable and that we need a new one that is not offensive.
It is people like you who are compiling the greatest heresy in the history of heresies. It is because of your heretical, extrabiblical designs that False Converts are sprouting up faster than Raindrop-followers at the beginning of Spring.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not meant to be acceptable, because it is unacceptable to mankind. As Paul Washer once said: the Gospel is a scandal because it goes against everything mankind believes in. We cannot sugar-coat it and make it out to be a blue-skies-sunny-day decision. Jesus Christ made it perfectly clear that only when mankind admits that it is evil and in need of a Savior, will Jesus be able to save us. If we were truly "good people", we wouldn't need a Savior. The Cross would be meaningless to us! And as Followers of Christ it is our job to follow that scandal. Not be like the world and hand it sugar-coated, bite-sized pieces.
STOP!!! Stop what your are doing!! The Bible makes it clear that God abhores those who lead their brothers astray. And this, sirs, is exactly what your are doing when you create false converts! STOP IT!
We cannot dipsy-doodle around Sin as if it is just a sidenote! It is serious! Before we recognize Christ as our Savior we MUST recognize our Sin! Without our confrontation with Sin the Cross is meaningless! When we come before Christ our focus must be on our Sin. And then once we have recognized that Christ Jesus is our Lord and Savior and that He took our Sin and it was killed along with Him on the Cross, then the focus falls on Christ.
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